Technical Solutions With All Possible Speed.
Your products are the cornerstones of your business. At Posthaste we know the importance of a well vested supplier who understands the complex needs of your business. As a full technical products supplier, Posthaste supplies engineering services, electronics, wiring harnesses, electrical enclosures and associated components supplied individually, in kit form, or as complete custom labeled products.
Our Development Process
Understanding the details of the customer’s needs are an essential first step of product development. Complete understanding of the end requirement allows Posthaste a wider range of solutions to meet the customer’s need in the most efficient manner.
The Posthaste team can provide greatly reduced costs and complexity by leveraging our wide supply chain and technical resources to minimize suppliers, part numbers and assembly time. We ensure quality and on-time delivery by using proven suppliers, and employing regular communication and project management to track progress, anticipate complications and deliver quality products to schedule.